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I am sorry, but I do not understand this. Please rephrase or provide more information. YOU HAVE TO SEND YOUR INTRODUCTION TO BE ACCEPTED AS A BLOGGER !!!! This is the introduction to be sent: If you have ever been afflicted with writer's block, you'll know it's no laughing matter — it can impede your writing for days, weeks, or even months. And while it's tempting to just ignore the problem and hope that it goes away, writer's block is one of those pests that requires active extermination. An idea will come with practice, but this is something that I am sure is already known by everybody. Practice makes perfect. Try to write as much as you can with no stress, because the pressure of finishing something good is what brings on writer's block. This way, you just listen to your inner voice telling you what to say and then you write it down without worrying about perfection or spelling or anything else that could be stalling your progress. You can also try these tricks to get past writer's block:There are even different types of blocks. Sometimes you might feel that you're blocked by a topic; other times, it could be that you've lost your voice. But the basics of getting over writer's block are usually the same:Write like nobody's reading. The idea here is to write your article or blog post for yourself alone, so that all your wording and techniques are executed in the way YOU want them to be. This makes it easier for you to do extensive research on how to write, whether it's writing particular phrases or making sure you know everything there is to know about what the article is about. Read your work aloud. If you're unsure of something, read it out loud to yourself. This way, you can catch any mistakes that you might have made at the same time that you're reading it aloud to yourself, which also gives you time to find out what the words actually mean. You should never judge your work until it has been finished. This is probably one of the most important rules when it comes to writing, because if you judge your work early on, then it will be unlikely for anything majorly wrong with your piece to go unnoticed. This may be a common saying seen in high school English classrooms across the world, but the truth still remains: don't judge (yet). Keep a "riff-top" bucket. What is a riff-top bucket? Well, it's a little box that you keep with you at all times. Whenever you can think of something that would make an awesome part of your writing, you write it down on a piece of paper, and put it in your riff-top bucket. Then, when you're done with your writing for the day, and you're making edits (or whatever is needed), you can look through all the notes in your riff-top bucket for inspiration. You need to be able to edit yourself! It's always easier to write something new than it is to edit something old, because editing is such a difficult task. cfa1e77820